Learning is not always linear.

Broaden Your Skills and Opportunities

The School of Continuing Studies is currently undergoing a period of restructuring to better serve our students and community. During this transitional phase, we are committed to ensuring that all your inquiries and concerns are addressed promptly.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info-scs@longtengfh.com for any questions, assistance, or clarifications you may need. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to enhance the quality of our programs and services.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Redlands.

Programs and courses by school

Select a school below to view its continuing education courses and certificate programs.


In partnership with the University of Redlands School of Business & Society, SCS offers eight professional certificate programs and a variety of business-related courses including project management and healthcare administration.

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We offer a professional Instructional Design certificate along with courses in Learning Theories, e-Learning, and Administrative Development through a partnership with the School of Education.

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cas-school-link-600x400.jpgIn partnership with the University of Redlands College of Arts and Sciences, we offer courses ranging from Computer Science and Environmental Studies to Government and the Arts. CAS students can take courses during the school year and in the summer. 

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Our Social Justice Pathway (formerly known as Applied Wisdom Institute) delivers in-depth learning experiences that add awareness to your professional skill set.

Our two social justice certificates, Mental Health and Spirituality and LGBTQ+ Leadership, offer mental health professions and activists unique educational opportunities. And, our Anti-Racism course gives students an opportunity to develop and strengthen skills in learning and discussing the history of racism in America, how it presents in America today, and practical steps towards decriminalizing Blackness, and becoming an Anti-racist country. 

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Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.

Albert Einstein, mathematician and physicist

Professional Certificates

Choose a certificate program from one of thirteen specialized areas of study. Based on the latest developments and industry best practices, our programs offer undergraduate degree-applicable credit — but you don't have to be a degree-seeking student to enroll. In fact, some of our certificate students have already completed their degrees and simply want to pursue a specialization.




Custom Instruction

From degree-earning Pathway programs to workshops and on-site training, we can design a program that meets your specific needs.

Recent examples include programs that lead to undergraduate degrees for employees of United Technology Corporation, Hydraflow, and Firefighters First Credit Union. We even developed and delivered a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Business workshop in Genoa, Italy, for an international cruise line.

Like to explore custom instruction options for you organization? Contact us at 909.748.8863 or at amy_moffhudec@longtengfh.com.


General Education & Electives

Expand your professional knowledge or prepare for your next life step by choosing from more than TK general education and elective courses. The courses may apply to an undergraduate degree, or can be chosen to grow your personal interests.



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